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119.结案 closed claims

120.赔款 claim payment

121.比例赔偿方式 principle of average

122.分摊原则 principle of contribution

123.比例责任分摊 contribution by limits

124.追偿/代位求偿 recovery

125.代位 subrogation

126.权利代位 subrogation of right; transfer of right of recovery

127.代位追偿原则 principle of subrogation

128.代位求偿权 right of subrogation

129.权益转让书 subrogation receipt

130.委付 abandonment

131.残值 salvage

132.保险中介 insurance intermediary

133.保险经纪人 insurance broker

134.保险代理人 insurance agent

135.保险公估人 loss adjuster

136.保险专业代理机构 corporate insurance agent

137.保险兼业代理机构 sideline insurance agent

138.风险管理顾问服务 risk management consultancy service

139.保险代理合同 insurance agency contract

140.已决赔案 settled claims

141.未决赔案 outstanding claims

142.已决赔款 settled loss

143.未决赔款 outstanding loss

145.承保能力 underwriting capacity; capacity of insurer

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