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时 间:2020-10-13 11:35:58  浏览次数:1437   杭州中译翻译有限公司质量管理部

■ 冰花炖官燕 Braised Bird’s Nest with Rock Candy

■ 冰糖银耳燕窝 Braised Bird’s Nest with White Fungus and Rock Candy

■ 高汤炖官燕 Stewed Bird’s Nest

■ 红胶官燕 Braised Bird’s Nest and Seaweed

■ 红烧鹿茸血燕 Braised Bird’s Nest with Deer Antler

■ 红烧蟹黄官燕 Braised Bird’s Nest with Crab Roe

■ 红烧血燕 Braised Red Bird’s Nest

■ 木瓜炖官燕 Braised Bird’s Nest with Papaya

■ 腿汁红烧官燕 Braised Bird’s Nest in Ham Sauce

■ 杏汁炖官燕 Double-Boiled Superior Bird’s Nest with Almond Juice

■ 冰花炖血燕 Stewed Red Bird’s Nest with Rock Candy

■ 香橙炖官燕 Braised Bird’s Nest in Orange Sauce

■ 雪梨官燕 Braised Bird’s Nest with Snow Pear

■ 椰汁冰花炖官燕 Stewed Superior Bird’s Nest with White Fungus and Coconut Milk

■ 鱼籽蟹肉烩燕窝 Braised Bird’s Nest with Crab Meat and Fish Roe

■ 福寿炖燕窝 Braised Bird’s Nest

■ 一品燕窝 Best Quality Bird’s Nest Soup

■ 王府清汤官燕 Bird’s Nest Soup

■ 冰花芙蓉官燕 Stewed Bird’s Nest with Egg White

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