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时 间:2019-06-09 22:03:00  浏览次数:1461   杭州中译翻译有限公司·杭州滨江翻译公司·专业翻译机构


  Do not glissade when you see a sign in a washroom telling you to "Slide carefully!" as it actually means "Caution wet floor!"

  在卫生间看到“Slide carefully”这样的标识千万不要想着表演芭蕾滑步,因为它的意思其实是“地滑,小心”。

  Likewise, do not look for a bowl when a bank sign asks you to "wait outside a rice noodle". Instead, search for a yellow line, or "one-meter line," which is spelled the same as "a (serving of) rice noodle" in Chinese.

  跟上面那个一样,在银行看到“wait outside a rice noodle”这样的标识也不要去想着去找个碗来。其实,你得找一条黄线,或者“一米线”,它和“米线”的字是一样的。


  In order to make the city a more foreigner-friendly place, Beijing is in the midst of a colossal clean-up of the hilarious, ubiquitous English mistranslations known as Chinglish.


  Chen Mingming, executive vice president of the Translators Association of China and advisor to the correction campaign, said: "Translations of public signs not only help foreigners, but their quality also shapes the image of a city."


  Some mistranslations were a result of verbatim translations such as a shop sign that reads "name smoke name liquor" (branded cigarette and liquor) on Beijing's shopping street Wangfujing, while some others stumbled at polysemantic Chinese words like an emergency exit whose English translation sign reads "export"(export and exit share the same word in Chinese).

  有些翻译错误是因为字对字的直译,例如说北京购物街王府井的一个商店标识“name smoke name liquor”(名烟名酒),另外还有一些让人读不顺的标识是用到了多义的中文词,比方说有一个紧急出口的英文翻译是“export”(export和exit的中文字是一样的,都是“出口”)。

  Zhang Qian, vice head of the office, said signage of private businesses where owners often resort to the Internet for quick solutions, have formed a new citadel for wrong translations.



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